Can you believe 365 days are almost over?
I don't know about you but this year no, in fact the last 18 months have been really weird.
It's like I've been stuck in some vortex with cloud all around me
Foggy head much - daily!
I don't know if it's the pandemic or the fact I got really ill during it (not Covid) but I was left with only a partially functioning brain and body.
I've had so many blood tests, drs visits, cameras down my throat, A&E visits, hospital visits in the last few years that I think I'm done with it.
I don't want to go into too much detail but I if you follow me on social you'll know that I have had tonsiitis which ended up with me in hospital for 3 days, a ployptectomy op, developed silent reflux which turned out to be H-Pylori, and from all the coughing and vomitting (sometimes up to 8 times a day) I've developed cluster headaches and eye pain and still at times walk around feeling drained and consumed with brain fog, oh and I also put on 12kg (aka 2 stone!) .
Did you know I can now feel my oesophagus move when I swallow and it creaks when I cough! Weird huh!
Also... it's not to say that I could also be peri-menopausal now - well that snuck up on me!
Anyway, what I've noticed in this time is that I needed connection, I needed support, to talk and I needed an outlet so I hired a trauma healing and life coach, I've been to healing circles and I've done cacao healing - I've been going deep!
But most of all I realised I needed movement - moving is such a healer and that my health is the foundation to everything in my life. I'm sure you can maybe relate?
However even though there was a lot of negative I also had a positive one... hence it was a funny year!
I got my level 1 Rekhi and am working on my level 2
I started meditating more
I have been working on my inner child and past trauma healing
I started doing more yoga but at home
I tried reformers pilates
I stopped putting pressure on myself to lose weight quickly and accepted that my body was where it was.
I am also getting my certification to become a Dharma and Soul Purpose Life Coach.
I'll tell you more about that soon!

I'm just checking in with you to see how you're getting on and to tell you that all of this helped me to come to the conclusion that I'm not alone. That it's ok to go into hiding especially when feeling the burnout I was feeling. And that I am needed as much as I need. So, in Jan I will be doing a very connective (female only of course) 12 week fitness and life coaching programme. I'm not going to start the first week of Jan, because this is not a competition, in fact I won't start the second either I know every other fitness coach and gym out there will because it's a race to get as many clients in through the door whilst it's hot and everyone is making resolutions! But this is not a race to me, this is REAL LIFE, this is MY life and this is YOUR life! This will not be just a fitness programme, it's an education, fitness, lifecoaching and connection programme. And I want you to feel like you have time to recalibrate after the end of the year so I'm tossing up between 16th Jan and/or the 30th. I'll tell you more about it in the next email... but just know, that I'm here for you, and I'm going to Reset, Re-energise and Evolve with you and make 2023 the most rewarding year yet for the nervous system, the body and the soul! Sending you a genuine heartfelt hug, love and blessings.
